Friday, January 15, 2010

Any home made beauty tips for skin, hair, or nails?

just wondering. =DAny home made beauty tips for skin, hair, or nails?


it smells disgusting and cannot get the smell out for 4 or 5 washes and it makes your hair SUPER greasy even if you have dry hair.

here are some home remedies

1. drink water it flushes your system and clears your skin

2. eat lots of pretein rich food like chicken

3. eat green leafy evegables like spinach and brocolli

4. eat vegatbles and fruit

5. leave oilive oil on your hair overnight for deep conditoning

6. wash face with good clenaser and then mostruise

7. dont pick spots

8. splash your face with hot water and then cold and then do it again, so it goes hot, cold, hot cold. to get the circulation in your face moving.

9. use a good face mask like multani mitti (fullers earth) to suck out trapped dirt and oils.

10. dip your face in cold water. fill your sink up and put your face in for 10 seconds it closes pores and is really good for you.

11. get exfoliation gloves, and do a full body exfoliation twice a week.

12. smile and be confident

13. dont eat too much faty foods its not good for your skin or body

14. exercise often, i do hulahooping as doing 10 minutes of that burns 100 calroies!! exercise realeases endorphins and makes your skin glow and gives you more energy

15.get a spray tan or apply your own, you always feel better tanned

16. dye your hair when you want a chnage and after you have done it leave coconut oil mixed with olive oil on your hair overnight , to help prevent to much damage.

17. drink milk and eat dairy its good for your skin and bones.

18. put olive oil on your face at night instead of mostuiser, its really moisturising! or you can use coconut oil or wheatgerm oil or sweet almond oil.

19. apply good mositurieser on your body to leave it soft, supple and hydrated.

20. when you apply hand cream rub it in deeply and give yourself a hand massage at the same time! same with your feet.

21. put mositurieser or petroleum jelly on your feet before you go bed and then put on socks your feet will feel amazaing! you can do the same with your hands too.

22. cut a potato in half and rub over your face it really helps with spots and spot scars!鈥?/a>

here is a really good website for skin, hair, nails, make up etcAny home made beauty tips for skin, hair, or nails?
';Apni Beauty'; has many posts on homemade beauty tips:

and I am also quoting some links that will directly take u to soln:
i put mayo in my hair bc it was damaged frm the straightner %26amp; it worked wonders! i reccomend you put a ton of mayo in it and try to pull it up almost so u look bald and seran wrap it down. leave it in for 2 hrs then take it out and wash ur hair. it took me 4 washes to get the smell out. its disgusting but worth it.
hi you can try this one:

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