Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A name in french for my new nail beauty shop please..?

i 'm going to open a society for nails beauty, and i'd like to find a nice name...thank uA name in french for my new nail beauty shop please..?
Tres Belle

Oh La La

Paris Nails

Belle BeacoupA name in french for my new nail beauty shop please..?
La beaut茅 et Cloue le salon
Belle Toi

It means ';beautiful you.'; Here are some words that might be helpful in putting together your own name:

Beau/Belle- beautiful (masc/fem respectively)

Chez- at ____'s house. Ex. Chez moi means at my house.

Maison- house (fem)

Elegance- elegance (fem)

Joli(e)- pretty (masc/fem, respectively)

Fille/femme- girl/woman (fem, obviously)

Bon(ne)- good (masc/fem, respectively)

Toi- you

Moi- me

Arrange them any way you like, or even use just one word.

The word for fingernails is ';les ongles.'; I think it is masculine, but I could be wrong.
Hi oliv,

What about :

*';Beaute Parfaite'; (with an accent on the last ';E'; in beaute. It is pronounced a bit like booty (OMG! Just realized what perfect booty would mean!)- perfect beauty. Easy to understands to all english speakers but, still very francais!)


* ';Belle Manucure';

(again easy to understand and it means beautiful manucure as well as belle maning beauty)

* ';Salon de Manucure';

Manucure parlour......No? Yes?

';jolie Main';

Beautiful hand ????

';Rouge et Noir';

It is red and Black in french, but it is also a very famous Novel. and it is sooooo French.

God this is harder than I thought!

Hope that I gave you food for thoughts...

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